Mother en Vogue專業時尚的孕哺設計,每季的新款發表,無論在於款式變化的樣式選擇,讓女性在購買時更有選擇的彈性變化,也在多方面追求完美極致,將功能需求細分為四大類:哺乳服飾系列(Nursing),孕哺服飾系列(X.tended),孕婦裝服飾系列(Maternity)以及親子裝孕哺.哺乳服飾系列(Moms & tots);材質上本季也加入高級的真絲(Silk),觸感更細緻,是天然纖維中唯一的長纖,強度足且不起毛球,價格雖有些些高一點,但以本季的單價來看,價格是較其他真絲服飾價格偏低,訂價非常合理,另外還有亞熱帶國家適用的柔麻(Linen)纖維,當過媽媽的妳一定有經驗,孕媽咪還有產後哺乳媽咪,一天中常有大量排汗的情形,這時柔麻的特性:吸水,快乾,透氣感,就是最佳材質首選囉!


Myo Waist ShaperCompression Toprollover_b_312_3rollover_b_312_7  

加強產後鬆弛的腹部,這這...太甘心了,不必穿上不蘇湖的束腹帶或買不起的塑身衣,好期待呀!!!當然還有更多的孕哺親子裝系列的款式,增加購買的選擇性,其中還有幾款設計使用 Swavroski水晶作為鈕扣裝飾等,就讓我們一起來賞圖吧!




Luxurious fabrics - We introduce billowy silk, luxe linen and feather light cotton voile in luscious sherbet shades to our classic repertoire of jersey knits. This allows for a whole new variety of styles, changing the look of nursing wear forever.
Take it to another dimension - 3D embellishments pop up throughout the catalogue. Peek-a-boo chiffon, feathery pom poms, crystal and wood beading create a depth that has never been seen before. Swavroski button detailing adds a little twinkle in your eye.
New nursing access - We redefine the way mums nurse with yet another original nursing access. The sleeve access as seen on Kimono Tie Dress, Bold is Beautiful Tunic, Love Thee Embellished Tee-Dress, Cloud-Nine Short Dresses, Kimora Maxi Dress and Julon Printed Silk Dress makes breastfeeding even more discreet.
Waist compression - One special piece with this new sleeve access is the Myo Waist Shaper Compression Top, which supports post-delivery recovery in a most stylish way, while maintaining the comfort that is so integral to our range.
Work smart - Sleek, sexy and professional is possible when you are pregnant. Our capsule collection of work jackets and blouses show you how.
Summer stalwarts - Sophia Dress in Tulipwood and Juliet dress in Stargaze, are available for special order.


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    Tide Mother 潮媽

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