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目前分類:Tide Mother潮媽寶寶時尚精選 (2)

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工作結合興趣是人生一大樂事,潮媽最近認識了一位美國的手工寶寶/小女孩髮夾人物創作家,除了驚嘆她的手藝之外,也開始回憶每一個自己或陪孩子看過、閱讀過的故事或電影,自己開始查了很多關於每一個人物語故事的資料,放置於Tide Mother潮媽國際時尚官網產品網頁中,真的好有趣呀!今天也來將潮媽查詢到的故事更詳細地介紹在TM潮媽部落格中喔!








潮媽Dolorse 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

先來說說Wendy-The Little Black Hat Finder

她是潮媽Rose第一個與之深談的美國人,藉著陌生的英文在空中交談好幾個深夜,彼此信任,讓TLBH.選擇Tide Mother潮媽,踏上台灣的樂土!


Made in USA / Handmade / Ruffle Diaper Covers / Baby Headband

zebra dc 3.jpgyellow dc with headband 2.jpg seamless white 1.jpg Candy Pink on Feng Shui Red Ruffle Diaper Cover... Ruffle Bloomer...Ruffle Bum Cover.jpg Candy Pink on Feng Shui Red Ruffle Diaper Cover... Ruffle Bloomer...Ruffle Bum Cover 1.jpg yellow dc with headband 4.jpg red and white dc1.jpgorchid and purple DC.jpg spring time DC.jpgblue ruffle onesies 1.jpg       

zebra dc 3.jpg  


I come from a background of newborn photography. I was always looking to be one step ahead in creating beautiful images. I had a hard time finding what I was looking for so I went to my mother who has been a seamstress for over 40 years. We came up with the patterns to create ruffle diaper covers and have been sewing and selling them ever since. My shop consists of my mother and I. I do most of the sewing and she helps out when she can. We are both set up with 3 professional sewing machines. I have super picky and will only do the best work. I have my commercial sewing machine to make the ruffles and sew them onto the back of the diaper covers. All my seams are then trimmed and professionally enclosed with my surger machine and then my cover stitch machine creates the professional top finish stiches. I have been blessed in that from the beginning my shop has a big hit. I had first thought that my customers would be photographers but it has proved to be the biggest hit with moms!

Ruffle Diaper Covers – fabric made in the USA and all handmade by me.

Onesies – I purchase the blank onesies from a manufacture in New York, USA and then I make the ruffles and sew them on the onesies.

Socks – the seamless socks I purchase from a company and I researched where they are made and it said Korea. I then make the ruffles and sew them on the socks.

Socks – the sock with seam on the top I purchase from a Department Store. It doesn’t say where they are made. I would guess USA since it is a USA Company. I then make the ruffles and sew them on.

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