
循著看不見摸不著的網路,讓潮媽Rose發現自己與Mothers En Vogue有著相同的默契!她的品牌故事(Brand Story)中說道:


MEV-Britney Bubble Tank~進口時尚有機竹纖維哺乳無袖背心(褐色/香檳色)

•comfort & fashion 舒適且時尚:為甚麼媽媽不能時尚?當然要舒適,不然臉貼著胸口,身體貼身體,多熱啊!

• health & esthetics 健康及美感:為甚麼媽媽要不修邊幅?當然要健康,這是貼身衣物!

• natural & eco-friendly fabrication 以自然及環保的製造過程:節能減碳議題是地球人都該一起來響應,這讓潮媽Rose陷入更深層的思考,哺乳何嘗不是一項自然又環保的人類行為,動物餵養套用在人類寶寶身上,身在台灣都忘了這是多麼奇怪又不自然的事,奶粉,奶瓶相關產品充斥於台灣社會週遭,想想挪威為何可以達到99%的哺乳率,主要是因為醫院禁止張貼奶粉廣告,上班媽還有兩小時可回家餵奶或支薪的育嬰假,想想我們台灣環境,實在不怎麼善待母乳媽媽,我們可要堅持下去.

• ingenious construction and 精緻的設計:修飾產後媽媽上不完美的身材,完美的開口設計,潮媽Rose實在穿過太多開口設計不良以致於整個胸罩外露,最讓人驚呼的是每款穿起來腰是腰,胸是胸,基本款短T穿起來超有腰身,好想大叫!!!

• quality sewing 高品質的裁縫:潮媽Rose已經體驗過每款服飾中細微處依舊完美,行銷致全世界包括歐,澳,亞,英,美...等(好難過,唯獨沒有台灣).不高品質很難在全世界立足.


這是潮媽第一個Mr. Right,心中有一個聲音一直傳來~我要帶妳到台灣,台灣母乳媽媽等著吧!

Mothers En Vogue(點我連結官網)


Mothers En Vogue logo


商店據點遍及全世界:Africa.Asia.Europe.United Kingdom .North America.Oceania.





    AboutMothers En Vogue - Brand Story    

Brand Story
Mothers En Vogue® (MEV) - a specialist in breastfeeding fashion - was founded in 2003 out of a conviction that today's modern mothers deserve clothing which combines the multi-features of:

• comfort & fashion,
• health & esthetics,
• natural & eco-friendly fabrication,
• ingenious construction and
• quality sewing.

Mothers En Vogue combines high-quality natural fabrics, innovative yet discreet nursing design and flattering fit to create apparel that not only looks beautiful but feels good too. MEV’s positioning - nurture, naturally - is reflected in its use of natural and environmentally friendly yarns in the manufacture of its garments.

These special qualities have led Mothers En Vogue to be a leader in the nursing fashion field and popular in many countries worldwide. Founder, Sharon Ho-Norton - a mother with an intimate understanding of breastfeeding who is inspired by her personal motherhood journeys and those of other mothers - believes that breastfeeding, besides being beneficial for the child, should also be a positive and empowering journey for every new mom. With the aid of aptly constructed nursing garments that allow for discreet yet convenient nursing access, a nursing mother can breastfeed on-the-go and gain confidence from the breastfeeding experience. A Mothers En Vogue mother is one who desires to give her best to baby, while being earth conscious, fashion savvy and keeping up with her usual lifestyle and myriad of commitments.

The Mothers En Vogue range comprises a comprehensive line of nursing wear, as well as a line of comfortable and versatile maternity wear that can be worn from pregnancy to nursing (aptly named X.tended™ ). MEV’s nursing access systems are designed to cater to the varying needs and requirements of nursing mothers - from a new mom without prior breastfeeding experience, to the savvy mom who has breastfed her several babies, including the mom who is tandem nursing or even nursing during pregnancy. MEV’s lines span the full spectrum of any occasion from everyday to evening wear and from summer to fall seasonal wear.

Beyond just nursing and maternity wear, Mothers En Vogue also desires to strengthen a mother’s self-image as a woman in blossom, a doting and dutiful mom, and a friend of the Earth.

Brand Story

Mothers En Vogue® (MEV)—成立於2003。身為時尚哺乳的專家,我們提供今日時尚媽媽們的包含以下特色的服裝:
MEV 結合了天然高品質的質料,創新、合身且設想周到的哺乳設計。所設計的衣服不僅美麗,觸感更好。MEV’s的產品精神,哺育、自然,呈現在其使用的天然環保紗線所生產的服裝。
這些高品質讓MEV成為哺乳服飾領域的領導品牌且在許多地區蔚為風行。創辦者Sharon Ho-Norton,本身是熟悉且了解哺乳的母親,其靈感來自身為人母及其他母親們的歷程,她相信喝母乳,不只是對孩子有益,對於新手媽媽而言,哺乳更是一個珍貴難得的經驗。貼心設計的哺乳服飾更有助於哺乳的便利性。可隨時隨地哺乳且由哺乳經驗中增加自信。一個MEV風格的母親會渴望給孩子最好的,同時對地球的關心、時尚敏銳度及維持她一貫優雅的生活風格及對於孩子無數的承諾。

    A Word About Natural-MEV Fabric    


Nurture, Naturally

Mothers En Vogue™ works with NATURAL FIBRES and increasingly, environmentally friendly alternatives that are grown without harmful chemicals.

Cotton – a natural fibre of vegetable origin is especially recommended for nursing wear due to its softness, breathability and excellent absorbing capabilities.

Modal – made of cellulose from beech trees, it is very soft, drapes beautifully and absorbs water well. This sturdy bio-based fibre does not fade or pill easily too.


Organic Cotton – grown without the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals, this earth-friendly fabric not only feels good, it feels right too.

Bamboo – made from the pulp of bamboo grass, it is naturally anti-bacterial, breathable and silky - a great earth-friendly alternative for nursing

Mothers En Vogue™ 產品選擇以天然纖維及其他環保替代品,讓生產過程不產生有害化學物質。

棉 花—天然植物纖維來源,其柔軟性、透氣性及極佳的吸收力,極其適用於哺乳衣上。


有機棉— 生長在沒有使用有害農藥及化學物品,這種對地球友善的材質觸感極佳。

竹纖維— 由竹子所提煉出的纖維,自然抗菌、透氣且如絲般柔滑,是哺乳衣對關懷地球的絕佳選擇。




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